Welcome to Austin Tzu Chi Academy



在這兒您可以了解學校概況及最近活動, 探索更多中文學習資源.



This is the place where you could find information about our school,

explore useful resources for Chinese learning and Tzu Chi, and

leave your suggestions and comments to us.

2010秋季期末中文趣味活動 歡樂午餐

2010秋季期末中文趣味活動 歡樂午餐
地點:O. Henry Middle School 學校大操場,如當天因氣候因素,則會在
9:30----10:20 中文課程(如常)
10:30---10:40 各班集合 
10:45---10:55 活絡您的體能(校長、負責人帶領大家操場跑一圈)
11:00---11:30 慈悲 喜捨 善解 包容四關
11:30---12:00 餐點時間(請自備素食餐點、環保碗筷)



導讀書籍: 證嚴法師「人生經濟學」 ~時間、空間、人與人之間

導讀者:慈濟志工 陳玉明師姐   

活動地點: O'Henry Middle School 慈濟人文班家長休息區

活動時間: November 14th, Sunday  

New changes in the school

Dear Parents of TzuChi Academy,
You probably already noticed there are some changes in this semester for the school.
Though we have more classes and more students, our dedication and commitment to both Chinese and character educations remain the same.
We will continue to promote the values of gratitude, respect, and love.
In respect of the Earth, this semester we like to implement some changes to reduce the use of natural resources and minimize the waste.

The first change is that homework sheets will be printed with used papers(meaning the back of the paper usually has something not related to the homework) as much as possible.  
Please let the teachers or staffs know if that causes some confusions for kids.

Your child probably already told you that there is no more juice provided during the snack time.
We think water is a much healthier option and it will reduce the burdens to our parents who prepare the snacks and the staff who clean the floor.
However, with that change, our teachers observe the unnecessary waste of paper cups as well.

Therefore, we would like to make another change to encourage parents to prepare a reusable water cup (or bottle) for each one of your child.  Preferably something not breakable. 
We will continue to prepare drinking water and paper cups every Sunday.  
However, we hope that only those students who forget to bring their own cups/bottles use the paper cups.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and let us know if you have any doubt or suggestion.

By the way, don't forget to dress up your kids with costumes this Sunday as well. 
Happy Halloween.


導讀書籍: 「小丑爺爺的紅鼻子」 「花神玩大風吹」
導讀者:慈濟志工 張志剛  

活動地點: O'Henry Middle School 慈濟人文班家長休息區

活動時間: October 17th, Sunday