時間過的很快, 5月15日是這學期後一次上課, 本週我們要回到慈濟會所, 進行期末成果展(詳情請閱附件).
請家長儘量撥空前來參加, 與我們一起歡樂, 也藉此機會讓我們知道您的意見.
請準備一份餐點, 並記得帶大人與小朋友的環保餐具(碗筷杯子). 感恩您再次配合.
感恩 蘇照翔
Dear parents,
5/15 will be our last meet for the semester. We will return to Tzu Chi Office for the end-of-semester performance.
Please arrive at the office at regular hour (9:30am). We will have a potluck after the performance, so please bring a dish or dissert to share with us.
Please also remember to bring your utensils and cups (we will provide water).
The address of Tzu Chi office is at 7221 Northeast Dr., Austin, TX 78723