we have published the Spring calendar for 2011. Please check out the link on the right.
Our semester started on 1/9 and the last class will be on the week of May 8th.
We will have an End-of-Semester Performance for all classes on May 15th at the TzuChi office.
This semester we'll have 3 student holidays(1/30, 3/13, and 3/20) to observe Chinese New Year and Spring Break.
It's a tradition that our students will actively involve in the performance at TzuChi's
Year-end-blessing Event. This year, the event will take place on 1/29(Sat). Therefore,
in January, we will allocate the third period to prepare the performance for the event.
In addition to the performance preparation, we will have two main topics in our humanity
development class (the 3rd period). The first one is about "Healthy Diet" (飲食與健康).
We have several sub-topics derived from it, which will talk about the relations between your diet and health.
The other topic is "Love our Earth" (生活環保) which contains several practical subjects about Environment protection.
I will reveal the details about it later on.
If you have any question or suggestion about our schedule, topics, or events, please let our teacher or staff know.
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