您用心準備豐盛的餐點, 讓大家都有一個愉快的中午.
這活動也是我們另一個新嘗試, 如果您有任何建議請不吝告知.
您知道慈濟美國總會最近發起一個五元的力量 (The Power of 5)的活動嗎 ?
您想過美金五元在我們生活裡究竟值多少? 美金五元可以換來什麼?
您知道只要每個月五元, 您就可以讓一位南非孤兒不再挨餓, 或一個海地兒童快樂的上學?
只要您願意加入, 慈濟就可以讓您感受到五元的力量其實真的不小.
也許您會問每個月五元真的夠嗎? 可以每個月每個月捐十元或只捐三元嗎?
每個月五元, 只是讓您了解行善的門欄真的不高. 數目多少其實不是那麼要緊.
如能匯集您持續的慈悲心, 慈濟可以與您一起構建綿綿的愛, 讓這些苦難的孩子有機會長大茁壯.
希望家長們秉著愛屋及烏的慈悲, 讓我們對下一代的愛, 披及遠在南非及海地的孩子們.
如果您願意加入五元的力量的活動, 請與慈濟志工或學校行政人員聯繫.
同時慈濟美國總會正積極為南非兒童募集書籍(適於十歲以下) 及文具(鉛筆, 鉛筆盒,原子筆,蠟筆,尺, 橡皮). 新舊皆可. 如果您有以上物品可以捐給慈濟, 請於學期結束 (5/15) 前帶至學校.
Dear parents,
First I would like to thanks for your involvements for the picnic last week. We all enjoyed the fun and foods you prepared.
Tzu Chi USA has initiated a fund raising campaign called “The Power of 5” aiming at supporting the orphans in South Africa and Haiti
(link for video clips: http://www.us.tzuchi.org/usa/home.nsf/other/k13947).
This is a long term project. If you would like to donate $5 every month, together Tzu Chi and you could weave a web of love to nurture those children and give them an opportunity to grow up and develop.
(link for video clips: http://www.us.tzuchi.org/usa/home.nsf/other/k13947).
This is a long term project. If you would like to donate $5 every month, together Tzu Chi and you could weave a web of love to nurture those children and give them an opportunity to grow up and develop.
Please let us know if you like to join“The Power of 5.”
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