Welcome to Austin Tzu Chi Academy



在這兒您可以了解學校概況及最近活動, 探索更多中文學習資源.



This is the place where you could find information about our school,

explore useful resources for Chinese learning and Tzu Chi, and

leave your suggestions and comments to us.

這個星期天 (9/9) 開學

這個星期天 (9/9)就要開學了提醒您為小朋友檢查下列事項:水壺制服暑假作業.
這學期因為最大班已畢業並開新班給四歲新生各班班別將往上調整部分教室也一併更動.  請舊生找自己原來老師報到如有問題請於開學日找宜靜或我.

慈忠: 郭榕鈺(原陳湘湘的慈孝班.教室不變)
慈仁: 陳雯彬(原慈愛班)
慈愛: 鄧經綸(原慈義班教室不變)
慈信: 謝玉芳 (教室不變)
慈義: 侯百合(原慈幼班)
慈幼蔡淑惠 (新班)

這學期為配合慈濟歲末祝福手語訓練將納入人文課程的一部分因此這學期才藝課只開扯鈴班(9/16 開課).
希望每位學生都能穿制服到校並注意鈕扣扣好沒有制服的請開學當天跟我購買 (check or cash). 夏季制服每件13
這學期學校仍然提供飲用水,但我們不再準備紙杯懇請家長務必為小朋友準備水壺上學期末學校發給每位學生一個環保杯請將杯子洗淨,杯子杯蓋寫上(或貼標籤)名字以茲識別請將空杯(不要放水)放在小朋友書包內環保杯可做為備用水杯(當忘記帶水壺時)或裝點心用 請家長體諒我們落實環保的用心盡量配合.
感恩 蘇照翔

Dear Parents,
Our school will begin this Sunday (9/9).
Please check and make sure your child has the following items : water bottle, uniform, and homework. 
If your child needs a new uniform, please prepare a check or cash for $13 and see me to get the uniform.
At the end of last semester we gave each student a reusable cup. Please rinse up the cup, label on the cap and body to identify your child. Then put the cup (do not put water in it)  in your child's backpack.  This reusable cup is intended to be used as a backup water cup (just in case your child forget to bring the water bottle) or as a container for snack. New students will receive the reusable cup on first day of school.
Note that our first meet of talent class (yoyo) is 9/16, not on 9/9..
Please let me know if you have any question.
See you on 9/9.


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