首先要再次感謝辛苦準備期末聚餐食物的家長們.因為您們的用心, 讓我們這學期劃上一個圓滿的句點.
我這邊有撿到一個慈濟環保杯,一個藍色水杯,一個紅色便當袋. 如果是您的, 請告訴我. 同時我們也有人遺失一個乳白色 (Ivory)Folder和一件 4 號制服, 如果您有撿到也請跟我聯絡. 為減少失物, 請盡可能標示帶到學校的衣服及物品.
下學期 1/13開學, 5/19學期結束.
年關將屆, 祝福大家有一個平安快樂的假期. 希望大家在節日歡樂之餘, 也能關心您週遭的人, 及幫助需要的人. 如果您希望透過慈濟, 持續對美東 Hurricane Sandy災民, 或南非及海地孩童, 挹注您的關愛, 歡迎成為慈濟會員. 請與您認識的慈濟志工, 倉彬,宜靜, 或我聯絡. 更歡迎您加入慈濟志工的行列, 透過您的雙手, 把愛與溫暖施與需要幫助的人.
蘇照翔 感恩合十
Dear parents,
Thank you for coming to the pot-lot event on our last ay of school. We had great fun. I have picked up a blue water cup and a red lunch box after that event. Please email me if those items are yours. Someone also lost a folder (Ivory) and a #4 uniform, please let me know if you seen them.
Attached please see the calendar for next semester. Following are the major dates of event:
1/13 - school starts
2/10,3/10, 3/17, 3/31 - no school
5/19 - school ends
Wish you all a very happy holiday season and see you all next semester.